Ivor E. de Mel who was almost
synonymous with the Central YMCA Forum is no more. He bestrode like a mighty
colossus at the YMCA Forum for well nigh seven decades. His eloquent speeches that
reverberated and echoed within the walls of the Fort YMCA Forum Hall will
linger in the hearts of Forumites forever.
Ivor truly belonged to the golden era
of the YMCA Forum. K.N. Choksy President’s Counsel who later became the
Minister of Finance, Ananda Tissa de Alwis who was a Minister, Cabinet
Spokesman and Speaker of the J.R. Jayawardena Government, Sena Liyanasooriya,
Gamini Jayasinghe, Lalith Jayawickrema, Peter Jayasekera, S.Costa,and S G.Mapalagama
all who belonged to the legal profession
with a lucrative practice. Pat Manikkawasagar that vociferous Banker, M.D.De S. Gunathileke another veteran Forumite who
led the Justice Party remained the ruling party of the Forum for a long time.
Anura Siriwardena, another witty gold medalist, a government servant
turned as a businessman. D.J.M. (Milinda) Rajasekera, that writer who wields a
pen of excellence were also some among
those who immensely contributed to this era together with Ivor.
Ivor served as the Speaker of the YMCA
Forum for five occasions. Ivor was a gold medalist at the Forum. He was the
only Forumite who won it twice. Indeed Ivor achieved this rare distinction that
any orator could aspire to. The YMCA gold medal was the most coveted medal that
any orator would strive to gain.
In oratory Ivor’s forte was politics
and economics. His incisive analysis, razor sharp intellect and the tenacious
memory enabled him to make significant contributions to the YMCA Forum.
Ivor completed four scores and six
years in the Biblical span. Contribution of Ivor is undoubtedly a page in the
history of the YMCA Forum that completed its centenary. Ivor carved a niche in
the annals of oratory in the island through the YMCA Forum. He was a role model
for any young budding orator.
Ivor is indeed, “Dulabbo purisa
gnano gnaso sabbatu jayatu” Such men are rare; rarely are they born. May
his soul rest in peace!
Hemantha Situge
Former Speaker of the YMCA Forum
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