The anecdote on the the legendary Buddhist Philanthropist SITUGE DON HENDRICK DE SILVA alias HENEGAMA APPUHAMY ,who hailed from the Henegama Akuressa was narrated to me by late Dr. WIJAYANANDA DAHANAYAKA based on the SYDNEY HOTEL Galle.
According to him the precursor of the famed SYDNEY HOTEL was the CLUTHA HOUSE.Late Henegama Appuhamy bought this building to witness the Galle horse races which were declined to him by the British authorities where he permitted the local folk to be at his CLUTHA HOUSE PAVILION.Dr Dahanayaka says he is an epitome of patriotism.He opted tosend his only son to RICHMOND COLLEGE SITUGE DON SAMUEL DE SILVA from CLUTHA HOUSE.
His son's plight at the 1915 Sinhala Muslim Riots will be another anecdote.
That lord donated Rs 250000 on 1912 to Ruwanmeli seya.that days lalour daily wages amount was 0.05 cents.